3 large or 8 small green tender (sour) mangoes, diced super fine, with skin on and pit removed
1 1/2 teaspoons cayenne
2 tablespoons gingilly (untoasted sesame) oil or other neutral oil
1/2 teaspoon black mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon asafetida powder
10 fresh curry leaves

Place the diced mangoes, salt and cayenne in a bowl. Set aside.
Heat the neutral oil in a small frying pan over medium heat; add the mustard seeds. When they start crackling and popping, add the asafetida powder right away.
Remove from the heat and immediately add the curry leaves – be careful they will splatter.
Pour this sizzling oil mixture on top of the mango.
Stir to mix the mango well with the oil and spices.
The fruit should be crisp and still raw, warmed only slightly by the heat of the oil. Serve at room temperature. Serves 8.